Friday, February 14, 2014

Can you store all of the possible (Java) byte numbers on your laptop memory?

Q- Can you store all of the possible (Java) byte numbers on your laptop memory?
A- Probably yes. To build the answer, let's follow these steps:

1- How much memory 1 byte uses in Java?
8 bits (= 2^3 bits).
        Please check this post and this one on a new window.

2- How many possible representations of numbers in byte are available in Java?
256 (=2 ^ 8) possibilities, which can vary between -2^7 and +2^7 -1.
        Please check the reference on a new window.

3- How much memory is needed to store all the possible representations of numbers in byte?
2 K bits or 256 bytes  (256 x 8 bits = 2^8 * 2^3 = 2^[8+3] = 2^ 11 bits).
4- How much memory is available on your laptop?
I don't know, but you probably have enough!

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